College Graduation, 8 Years in the Making!


10155287_623397994417711_2733768992080129392_nIt has been a busy couple of days, to say the least! I graduated college on Saturday with a Bachelor of Science in Speech Communication! After eight years of college, I finally achieved a major dream of mine by getting my college degree! It has taken a lot of hard work and determination, but I finally did it. 

I loved college, and I already miss it, especially my friends and teachers! Luckily, I will still get to see them fairly often. Graduation was exciting and bittersweet. Many of my friends and family came to support me, and several of my friends actually graduated with me! When I put my cap and gown on, I just took a deep breath. I felt like a weight had been lifted!

The next few weeks are going to be very exciting. I am going to Nashville for a few weeks, and I’m planning a big graduation party to celebrate! I am also working really hard to find a full time job. I know that, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything, even if you have a disability! That is what I try to tell myself everyday. By no means is it easy; I have had to overcome a lot of adversity in college, and still face obstacles on a daily basis, including all of my physical challenges with my Cerebral Palsy and other learning disabilities. Don’t let it keep you from following your hopes and dreams! Many more exciting things are happening soon, so stay tuned!

32 comments on “College Graduation, 8 Years in the Making!

  1. Jennifer says:


  2. Ann Marie says:

    Congratulations! You are an inspiration!

  3. Tiffany~ what a wonderful accomplishment!! Great job and congrats on all of your hard work! You are an inspiration! Good luck on the job search!!

  4. Chrissy Lock says:

    Congrats Tiffany!! Graduating college is a huge accomplished!!

  5. Laura Glavin says:

    Tiffany, that is so awesome! Congrats!

  6. Julie says:

    Wow Tiffany that is so awesome! Congratulations on such a big accomplishment! You are such an inspiration to others! You go girl!

  7. Chris K. says:

    Congratulations Tiffany!!

  8. Matt says:

    That is awesome! Hard work will always pay off. You should be proud of yourself!

  9. Karen says:

    Congratulations!!! Thats awesome!!

  10. Anthony says:

    Congratulations! That is an amazing! accomplishment.

  11. Erin says:

    Way to go! Congrats!!! 🙂

  12. Krysta :) says:

    Congrats! You are such an inspiration! God Bless!!

  13. Toni says:

    Congratulations! That is awesome!

  14. Brittany says:

    My brother also has CP and this has touched my heart. Thank you for showing him that dreams can come true if he puts his mind to it.

  15. Jim says:

    Way to go Tiffany! I am so inspired by your blog today. Since I have a daughter with a disability, your comments mean a lot! You are a great example of hard work with a purpose. Congratulations to you!!!!

  16. Mikey says:

    Yea Yea Yea!!!! Tiffany you are the greatest. Wow, when I grow up I want to be as smart as you.

  17. Mandy says:

    Congratulations and good luck on the job search! Enjoy your celebration!

  18. Mary says:

    Awsone ,hard work always makes this world a better place, my son has epilepsy and di not graduate from highschool until he was 21 , he wan the Missouri state ”Yes I Can ” award, we are all so happy for you ! Mary W

  19. Becky, John, Bentley, Luke says:

    We are so proud of you Tiff!! Congratulations! You are such an inspiration to so many people!

  20. Cindy says:

    Wow, that’s AWESOME!!!

  21. vicki says:

    Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself!

  22. Shannon says:

    Tiffany what a huge accomplishment!! VERY COOL! Congrats and best wishes to you.

  23. Julie B says:

    That is so wonderful Tiffany!! Congrats!!!!!

  24. Aaron W. says:

    Congratulations! Hard work and following your dreams really does pay off!

  25. Kristina says:

    You should be so proud! Good work!

  26. Rachel says:

    Congratulations! What a wonderful achievement! Carry this sense of pride and accomplishment with you always!

  27. jennifer says:

    “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” ~Beverly Sills

  28. Heather says:

    Congratulations on such a big day!!

  29. cece says:

    Beautiful picture! What an inspiring message, congratulations on your huge accomplishment!!!

  30. Lauren says:

    Congrats! Truly something to be proud of! You are quite an inspiration to never give up.

  31. April says:

    Congratulations Tiffany! Cheers to this milestone accomplishment, and those that await in your future! Best wishes,

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