Cheerleading with Edith

Edith (front right) cheering with friends on Game Day!

Edith (front right) cheering with friends on Game Day!

I like cheerleading because it is fun to learn new cheers. When I go to cheer, it brings back good memories of other cheer and dance classes. I also like to cheer because I am able to meet new people.

Our cheer practice includes stretching so we do not get hurt or pull any muscles. Next, we work on both new cheers and old cheers, and then we work on stunts so they are solid. We also work on our dance so it is clean when we perform it for our fans at games. Finally, we do the entire dance and cheer together.

Games days are when we all put on our uniforms to perform at home sports games. Before we go out on the floor, we do a little chant. We also warm up before we perform for the fans at halftime during basketball and football games.

Here is our practice schedule to get us ready for game day:

  1. Stretch and conditioning
    Cheer picture day with dog Tenor!

    Cheer picture day with dog Tenor!

    1. Run three leaps around track
    2. Do arm, shoulder, and leg stretches until warm
  2. Practice cheer or learn a new cheer
    1. Work on keeping motions tight
    2. Use signs in the cheer
  3. Practice jumps
    1. T-jump drill
    2. Toe touch jump
    3. Star jump
  4. Practice stunts (check out a video of my team working on our stunts here!)
    1. Thigh stands
    2. Thigh stand- liberty
    3. Preps
    4. Extended liberty
  5. Review cheer routine and practice performing cheer routine
    1. Get ready for game day performance
  6. Game Day performance
    1. Smile and have fun!

Edith 2

Whether you have been cheering for years or are just taking up this sport, I hope that these tips and my practice schedule can help you improve your skills! What is your favorite part of cheering?

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